Largest Rabbit in World Thinks He’s a Dog, says Happy Easter!

Largest Rabbit in World Thinks He’s a Dog, says Happy Easter!

- in 5 paw stories
@Kym Istasha

No, this isn’t Alice and Wonderland, Darius is a rather large bunny that measures 4 feet 4 inches. He weighs 49 pounds, and he’s hoping you are having a pleasant Easter!

Annette Edwards of Worcester, is the owner of these Continental Giant rabbits, Darius and Jeff, which is his son. Jeff is already 3 feet 8 inches long, Annette believes he’ll grow to be larger than his father.

Jeff left, Darius right (photo/caters)
Jeff left, Darius right (photo/caters)

One might wonder my word how much do those large bunnies eat? Annette spends $5,000 annually on 2,000 carrots and 700 apples to feed the bunnies. The rabbits also eat a bowl of specialized rabbit food and a bale of hay once a week.

Darius is so big Annette’s 6-year-old daughter Mia can barely hold him up:

Mia holding Darius

Darius with Mia

Mia feeding carrot to Darius
Mia feeding carrot to Darius

The rabbits make a great pet, Annette believes they are easier to take care of than smaller rabbits. They are also very gentle, and are child friendly.

“Most rabbits like lots of attention and get on well with children and these two are no exception. They’re even friendly to other animals!” – Annette

The giant bunnies also think they are dogs, as they hang out with their friend next door who happens to be a Boxer. Instead of having rabbit hutches, the rabbits have dog size crates that would easily house your average size Labrador.

Continental Rabbits are known to be the largest breed of rabbits. They grow to a maximum of 4 feet, but it’s rare for them to grow over that in which Darius surpasses that number to over 4 inches more.

What are your thoughts on these magnificent giant rabbits? And Happy Easter everyone.

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