Feline Thief Steals Underwear and Socks From Local Men

Feline Thief Steals Underwear and Socks From Local Men

- in Cats
@Kym Istasha
Credit Mark TaylorCredit Mark Taylor

Are you a man who is missing your underwear or socks?   You might be a victim of theft!   The unusual suspect could be a stealthy feline named Brigit. Brigit is a 6-year-old cat living in New Zealand that has a obsession for taking men’s underwear and socks from their balconies. Lately, her owner Sarah Nathan noticed her cat has quite the collection.  She counted over 50 socks and 11 pair of underwear over a two month period.

It’s gotten so bad that Sarah Nathan has began posting flyers and pictures to social media to help the victims find their lost items:

(Imgur Sarah Nathan)

“It’s an absolute obsession, A night does not go by without her bringing things home. I got up this morning and there were another four socks in the house. It’s all mens. It’s really, really weird, She’s got really specific taste.” – Sarah Nathan (owner)

Brigit’s days of stealing might be over soon however, as Sarah is planning on moving to a farm in the countryside. Hopefully Brigit will enjoy the countryside more than the side robbing the local city blind of undergarments.

(H/T ABC News/Reddit)

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