Sky the Cat looks like a Fluffly Walking Cloud!

Sky the Cat looks like a Fluffly Walking Cloud!

- in Cats
Sky is a Ragdoll cat that is being called “walking piece of fairy floss” and a “luscious cushion” because he kind of looks like a giant fury cloud:


We believe the cat is from Australia, as the Daily Mail Australia was the first to break the story. His owner planned for him to be a show cat, but Sky was rejected because he had a “crooked” face. The owner disagreed, and made Sky an instagram cat. Sky now has quite the following, over 42,000 people anxiously await new pictures on his Instagram account.

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Sky’s owner posts him in various poses doing various activities. He always makes sure to include a cute caption like “If I fits, I sits” and “When you look like you’ve mopped more floors than the swiffer, it’s time to be brushed”. Sky is absolutely adorable with his big blue eyes and cloud like coat of fur. He always gives the perfect facial expressions. Sky looks like he loves the camera:

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You can view an entire gallery of the Furry cloud Sky’s Instagram or read more about him in the Daily Mail Australia article. We’ve put together a few pictures for you below as well:

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